Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue)

Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 385.00

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Usually people think that are not flexible enough to practice yoga and stay away from it. In reality yoga is not about flexibility, it is all about creating harmony between body, mind and spirit for overall growth and wellness.The yoga strap is desig
Usually people think that are not flexible enough to practice yoga and stay away from it. In reality yoga is not about flexibility, it is all about creating harmony between body, mind and spirit for overall growth and wellness.The yoga strap is designed to enable you achieve the correct yoga posture in a faster time frame with least effort. The straps give you length and help you to grasp the limbs that are beyond your reach. It makes the poses attainable for those who are beginners or not flexible enough. You wont get the benefits of yoga with incorrect alignment. Its use is recommended to attain required stretching and alignment and deeply experience the yoga poses.The yoga straps are made of superior non-stretch cotton twill to prevent friction injuries to hands and feet. It is provided with a metal D-ring buckle which enables you easily tighten and release the strap. Being cotton based, the grip remains firm even when hands start sweating. It is durable and soft to skin. It is available in assorted colors and in two lengths- 8 length suitable for people who are taller or with lesser flexibility, 6 length is recommended for others.

Full Specifications

Brand: Health And Yoga
Model Number: HNY1104165
Color: Blue
Material: Cotton
Buckle Included:
Buckle Type: D shape
Buckle Material: Metal
Width: 4 cm
  • Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue) Sports Fitness price starts from Rs. 385.00 in India.
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  • Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue) Sports Fitness buy at Rs. 385.00 and this price is valid across the indian major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and more.
  • Price2India provided all the details and specifications about Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue) Model Sports Fitness with lowest price and Please review full fetaures, spec, reviews and discounts before buying this product.
  • Health And Yoga HNY1104165 Cotton Yoga Strap(Blue) model Sports Fitness price and details was updated on 31 Jan 2025.

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