meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor)

meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 399.00

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  •   Material: Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
  •   Design: Floral
  •   Multicolor
  •   Width: 8.89 cm
  •   Height: 12.7 cm
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (42% Off)
meSleep Hard Drive Skins made of super-durable 3M vinyl feature patented air release technology for a smooth, zero-bubble surface that protects your device from dirt, minor scratches & dullness, increasing its life & re-sale value without adding bulk
meSleep Hard Drive Skins made of super-durable 3M vinyl feature patented air release technology for a smooth, zero-bubble surface that protects your device from dirt, minor scratches & dullness, increasing its life & re-sale value without adding bulk. This skin is for both front and back surface of your hard drive and is compatible with almost all hard drives. Dimensions (W x H): 3.5 inches x 5 inchesCompatibility: Most laptops with screen sizes ranging from 10" to 15.6" Instructions for application:1. Make sure your hard drive is clean. Wipe it off with a soft cloth. The hard drive should be free of dust, fat or grease - otherwise the hard drive skin may not stick to your hard drive as well as it's supposed to.2. Take the measurement of the applying area3. Trim the exact size before applying with a blade/scissors4. Align the hard drive skin on your hard drive, take care that you put it on straight and in the exact position that you want to place it5. Remove only one side of the liner from sheet, align to the applying surface and start attaching them slowly6. Proceed carefully with the use of a clean cloth and/or a plastic card (i.e. ATM card) to assure no air bubbles remain until the liner is removed
  • meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor) Laptop Accessories price starts from Rs. 229.00 in India.
  • Top Range of meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor) Lap Accessories at major online Stores like Flipkart, Amazon, Ebay and so on. has just listed product details and we are not liable for the service provided by any of these store(s).
  • meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor) Notebook / Lap Accessories buy at Rs. 229.00 and this price is valid across the indian major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and more.
  • Price2India provided all the details and specifications about meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor) Model Laptop / Notebook System Accessories with lowest price and Please review full fetaures, spec, reviews and discounts before buying this product.
  • meSleep HD35014 Hard Disk Skin(Multicolor) Laptop Accessories price and details was updated on 05 Oct 2024.

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