Posterhouzz Sholay Gabbar Poster Fine Art Print(18 inch X 12 inch, Rolled)

Posterhouzz Sholay Gabbar Poster Fine Art Print(18 inch X 12 inch, Rolled)
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MRP Price  :Rs. 500.00

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  •   Theme: Movies
  •   Width x Height: 12 inch x 18 inch
  • Offers:COD, Discount Offers (58% Off)
Sholay is a 1975 action-adventure Hindi film directed by Ramesh Sippy and produced by his father G. P. Sippy. The film follows two criminals, Veeru and Jai (played by Dharmendra and Amitabh Bachchan), hired by a retired police officer (Sanjeev Kumar)
Sholay is a 1975 action-adventure Hindi film directed by Ramesh Sippy and produced by his father G. P. Sippy. The film follows two criminals, Veeru and Jai (played by Dharmendra and Amitabh Bachchan), hired by a retired police officer (Sanjeev Kumar) to capture the ruthless dacoit Gabbar Singh (Amjad Khan). Hema Malini and Jaya Bhaduri also star, as Veeru and Jais love interests. Sholay is considered a classic and one of the best Indian films. It was ranked first in the British Film Institutes 2002 poll of Top 10 Indian Films of all time. In 2005, the judges of the 50th annual Filmfare Awards named it the Best Film of 50 Years.

Full Specifications

Color Poster:
Size: Medium
Black & White Poster:
Packing Variant: Rolled
Paper Depth: 300 gsm
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  • Posterhouzz Sholay Gabbar Poster Fine Art Print(18 inch X 12 inch, Rolled) model Home Decor And Festive Needs price and details was updated on 11 Oct 2024.

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